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Aline LaPierre
Angela Porter, LMFT, CACTC, CMT Carrie Gray, LMF
Angie Guy
Angie Guy
Anna Kunin
Ann Bradney
Anne Isaacs MSW, LCSW
Anthony Thier, MFT
Arielle Schwartz, PhD, CCTP-II, E-YRT
Aylee Welch, LICSW
Babette Rothschild, MSW
Boaz B. Feldman MSc, SEP, FSP, PgD
Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen
Brad Kammer
Brian Gleason, CSW
Chris Walling
Claudia Cuentas, MFA
Cynthia Price, PhD MA LMT
Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D
Dawn Bulchandani, PhD, MA Counseling, MA Religion,
Dieter Rehberg, MA, BA, MSMT/E
Dina Amsterdam, E-RYT
Don Hanlon Johnson, PhD
Donnalea Van Vleet Goelz
Dr. Abi Blakeslee, SEP, CMT, MFT, Ph.D.
Dr, Alexandra Katehakis, Ph.D., MFT
Dr. Allan Schore
Dr. Laurence Heller, Ph.D.
Dr. Leslie Ellis
Elizabeth Brink, ACC
Gal Szekely, LMFT
Garet Bedrosian
Georgena Eggleston, MA, CRS, RScP
Helena Vissing, PsyD
Herbert Grassmann Maurizio Stupiggia Stephen Porge
Homayoun Shahri, PhD, MA, CBT, LMFT
Hugh Brenner, MSN, CNS, CRNP
Jaci Hull, LMFT
Jacob Art, MFT
Jamie McHugh, MSMT
Jan Winhall, M.S.W., R.S.W., F.O.T.
Jeanne Denney, MA
Jessica Benjamin, PhD
Jill Getto Lee, MA
Jill Leversee, MA, LPC
Jill Miller, C-IAYT, E-RYT
Jim Amundsen
Jim Freda, MA, LMT
Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson and Lindsay Ngidiwe
John Cornelius, LICSW, LCSW-C
Joseph Weldon, Ph.D.
Joshua Sylvae, PhD a and Manuela Mishke Reeds, PhD
Judith Blackstone, PhD
Judy Swallow, MA, CRES, TEP, LCAT
Judyth Weaver Ph.D
Karen Roller
Karyne Wilner, MA, PsyD, PA. RI. CT
Kate Holt, RN, ACCEP
Lawrence Hedges, PhD
Lindsay Ngidiwe
Mardi Crane-Godreau, PhD
Mary Petschen
Melissa Benintendi, MA, LPC
Mia de Bethune, MA, ATR-BC, LCAT, ISP, SEP
Michael Lee
Nick Totton
Nyck Walsh, MA, LPC
Panel on Touch and Psychotherapy
Panel with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen
Paula Josa Jones
Phoenix Quetzal DeLeón and Jay Tzvia Helfand
Raja Selvam, PhD
Rebecca Lincoln
Rebekkah LaDyne, MS, SEP
Rick Lepore, MFT, RSMT
Ronald A. Alexander, PhD, MFT, SEP
Ruth Anne Hammond, MA
Ruth Anne Hammond, MA & Jill Getto Lee, MA
Sean Baker and Susan Richter
Selvam & Greenberg
Shara Brun, PhD, LPC
Sheila Rubin, MA, LMFT, RDT/BCT; Brett Lyon, PhD,
Shirley Bar-Dvir, M.A., M.F.T
Siegmar Gerken PhD, ECP, HP
Stella Resnick, PhD
Stephen W. Porges, Ph.D.
Steve Hoskinson, M.A., M.A.T.
Susan Aposhyan, MA, LPC
Susan Bauer, MFA, MSME/T, RSDE
Terry Marks-Tarlow
Tina Stromsted, Ph.D., MFT, LPCC
Ulfried Geuter
USABP Forum Panelist
Wynn Tamura
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Research in Body Psychotherapy: Successes and Failures A Gathering of Prospective Researchers Within USABP: USABP Research Committee
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Christopher Walling, PsyD, MBA, SEP, Research Chair & Past President, USABP
Chris Walling
Cooking in the fires: An alchemical hermeneutic study of cross cultural exchange
Available until
Shara Brun, PhD, LPC
Shara Brun, PhD, LPC
The Evolutionary Purpose of Shame
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Precentors: Sheila Rubin, MA, LMFT, RDT/BCT; Brett Lyon, PhD
Sheila Rubin, MA, LMFT, RDT/BCT; Brett Lyon, PhD,
Roots Nourish Branches Historical Lineages in Contemporary Somatic Movement Practices
Available until
Tina Stromsted, PhD, LMFT, LPCC, BC-DMT, RSMT/E
Tina Stromsted, Ph.D., MFT, LPCC
Embodying Emotions: A Method for Improving Cognitive, Emotional, and Behavioral Outcomes in all Therapy Modalities from Integral Somatic Psychology (ISP)
Available until
Presented by Raja Selvam
Raja Selvam, PhD
Research Development in Body Psychotherapy
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Cynthia Price, PhD, MA, LMT
Cynthia Price, PhD MA LMT
Using NARM to Heal Developmental Trauma Exploring Survival Styles and the Core Dilemma
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Jacob Art, MFT
Jacob Art, MFT
Somatic Evolution: Post-Trauma Growth as Inclusion
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Presented by Steve Hoskinson
Steve Hoskinson, M.A., M.A.T.
Disappearing Act Disabled Embodiment and the Haunting of the Biopsychosocial Model of Chronic Pain
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Anna Kunin
Anna Kunin
Long COVID: Relevant Insights for Bodymind Interventions & Body Psychotherapy
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Mardi Crane- Godreau, PhD
Mardi Crane-Godreau, PhD
Body by Breath - A Vagus Voyage An Embodied Tour of the Vagus Nerve and its Influence
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Jill Miller, C-IAYT, E-RYT
Jill Miller, C-IAYT, E-RYT
Conscious Energetic Touch for Healing Childhood Wounds
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Wynn Tamura
Wynn Tamura
Life Dreams and Being Stuck: A Case of the Blob - Dissociated Parts as Somatic Resource for Action.
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John Cornelius, LICSW, LCSW-C
John Cornelius, LICSW, LCSW-C
Why Neurodivergent-affirming Care is Critical for Somatic Healing Modalities
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Elizabeth Brink, ACC
Elizabeth Brink, ACC
The Anatomy of Self Awareness An Embodiment Approach to the Deep Core Anatomy
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Jim Freda, MA, LMT
Jim Freda, MA, LMT
Balancing Working with Subjective Experience Scales & The Autonomic Nervous System for Anxiety.
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Anthony Thier, MFT
Anthony Thier, MFT
Somatic Maternal Healing Bringing the Body into Perinatal Mental Health
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Helena Vissing, PsyD
Helena Vissing, PsyD
Working Therapeutically Through the Body
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Jill Leversee, MA, LPC
Jill Leversee, MA, LPC
Embodied Journeys Somatic and Trauma-Informed Considerations for Psychedelic Assisted Therapy
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Joshua Sylvae, PhD and Manuela Mishke Reeds, PhD
Joshua Sylvae, PhD a and Manuela Mishke Reeds, PhD
Emotional Validation & The Body A Workshop
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Dawn Bulchandani, PhD, MA Counseling, MA Religion,
Dawn Bulchandani, PhD, MA Counseling, MA Religion,
Embodied Intersubjectivity A Synchrony of Thirds
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Jessica Benjamin, PhD
Jessica Benjamin, PhD
Closing Ceremony: Embodied Meditation: A Prayer for Our Times
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Susan Aposhyan, MA, LPC
Susan Aposhyan, MA, LPC
Body Based & Embodied Methods in Art Therapy
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Mia de Bethune, MA, ATR-BC, LCAT, ISP, SEP
Mia de Bethune, MA, ATR-BC, LCAT, ISP, SEP
Post-Trauma Growth A Clinical Demonstration
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Steve Hoskinson, MA, MAT
Steve Hoskinson, M.A., M.A.T.
Movement Development, Embodiment & Embodied Relating: Reflections from A Study Group with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Founder of Body-Mind Centering®
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Moderator: Chris Walling; Panelists: Theresa Silow, Shirley Dvir, Morgan Shepherd
Panel with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen
Transforming the Relationship with the Body Through Mindful Awareness in Body-Oriented Therapy (MABT)
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Cynthia Price, PhD, MA, LMT
Cynthia Price, PhD MA LMT
A Modern Scientific Basis for All Somatic Modalities
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Raja Selvam, PhD
Raja Selvam, PhD
Empowering the Next Generation Teaching Somatic Movement Practices to Teens & Young Adults
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Susan Bauer, MFA, RSME/T, RSDE
Susan Bauer, MFA, MSME/T, RSDE
Experiential Keynote: What is Embodiment?
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Susan Aposhyan, MA, LPC
Susan Aposhyan, MA, LPC
Trauma and Reconciliation Coming Home to the Body with Breema
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Angela Porter MFT, CATC, CMT and Carrie Gray MA, MFT
Angela Porter, LMFT, CACTC, CMT Carrie Gray, LMF
Decolonizing our Bodies and Returning to our Origins
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Claudia Cuentas, MFA
Claudia Cuentas, MFA
Highlighting Differences in Working with the Autonomic Nervous System Versus the Voluntary Nervous System
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Anne Isaacs MSW, LCSW
How Clinics Can Successfully Integrate New Somatic Therapy Services
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Findings from a Study of Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT)
Cynthia Price, PhD MA LMT
Shame, Trauma and Addiction
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Treating Addiction as an Attempt to Break Out of the Shame-Trauma Freeze
Sheila Rubin, MA, LMFT, RDT/BCT; Brett Lyon, PhD,
Releasing Trauma-Based Somatic Constrictions
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Using the The Realization Process
Judith Blackstone, PhD
From Trauma to Post-Trauma Growth
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Steve Hoskinson, M.A., M.A.T.
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USABP 2023 Conference Bundle
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Courses: 32
USABP On The Move Series
Somatic movement and mindful body-awareness programs
Courses: 4
Addiction Care, Somatic Research and Treatment Center Management
These six webinars include bottom-up/top-down approaches to care, recovery tools and address dissociation and the shame-trauma freeze
Courses: 6
What is Shame, It's Origins, and How to Cope with it
Addressing Addiction, the Shame-Trauma Freeze and Dissociation
Courses: 3