The Pulsation of Life, the Human Connection and Moving Beyond the Trauma

I have known Dr. Gerken for over 35 years. Originally through the publication of my first book on Humanistic Psychology, subsequently as a professional colleague and now, as a friend. In addition to being an effective clinician, he is a leading intellectual and theoretician in our worldwide small field of body-oriented psychology. He is an active and influential member of this widespread community of therapists, thinkers and writers.

- Dan Hanlon Johnson, Ph.D., Professor Somatic Psychology at CIIS (California Institute of Integral Studies)
USABP Spotlight Series and the International Institute of Core Evolution present:

The Pulsation of Life, the Human Connection and Moving Beyond the Trauma 
Expanded Dimensions of Body-Oriented Therapy - from Spirituality to Science … and what does Love have to do with it?
This event will be recorded and available for members and non-members who register for this event. This course will not include CEs.
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This course will not offer CEs.

Course Costs
- USABP Members do not have to pay the $45 dollar course fee listed on this site.
- This Course is available for $45 to USABP non-members.

Live Event Registrant Information
- USABP Members do not have to pay the $45 dollar course fee listed on this site. Members who want CE credits do have to pay the CE processing fee (when CE credits are listed as available)
- Non-members who paid for the live version of this home study course (at do not have to pay the $45 dollar course fee listed on this site.
- Non-Members, who paid for the live course event or home study version here, and want CE credits do have to pay the CE processing fee (when CE credits are listed as available).

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Course Description

Main Points of Workshop
In the ex­per­i­en­tial vignettes we ex­plore top­ics such as:

• So­mat­ic Aware­ness and the Practice of Mind­ful­ness

How do we struc­ture our ex­per­i­ences on the level of our body, feel­ings, think­ing, mind and in dir­ect­ing our will to real­ize our po­ten­tial?

• Ex­plore the Mat­rix of Ground­ing

The Core Evolu­tion concept to stand on the ground and feel con­nec­ted to the Uni­verse and to all ex­ist­ence.

• The Body is the Temple of the Soul

How does your per­son­al his­tory be­come vis­ible in your body?

In your per­son­al de­vel­op­ment you formed inner work­ing mod­els, which in­flu­ence your emo­tions, body re­ac­tions, think­ing, be­ha­vi­or and be­liefs. By ob­serving body re­ac­tions, un­der­stand­ing the un­der­ly­ing needs and learn­ing how to nour­ish them, you can suc­cess­fully change these pat­terns.

Click here to email and get more in-depth ma­ter­i­al about this the­ory and teach­ing in the 10-page cur­riculum for the Core Evolu­tion Train­ing.
Participants will learn:
• to sense and activate their own life pulsation on different levels of their life;
• to differentiate breathing patterns and recognize their impact on the body and personal expression;
• to differentiate Interoception, Exteroception and Proprioception;
• to practice Mindfulness principles to affect Vagal tone and to release excess tension;
• to recognize how they organize patterns of experience.

More About the Presenter
Siegmar Gerken, Ph.D., ECP, HP (Psychother­apy) studied psycho­­logy, education, and an­­thropology. He taught on the faculty of the JFK University So mat ic Psycho­logy De­­part­ment, the Santa Barbara Graduate Insti­­tute, the Esalen Insti­­tute, and the Be ha vi or al Ther­­apy Training Insti­­tute in Hamburg. 

His Near-Death Experience in early childhood and consequent vision led him to many teachers and further extraordinary life experiences. Meet­ing with Jiddu Krish­namurti and David Bohm, learn­ing and teach­ing with John C. Pi­er­rakos, MD for nearly 20 years (until 2001), prac­ti­cing Zen and ex­plor­ing many other realms of therapy and con­scious­ness.
Dr. Gerken has al­ways been in­ter­ested in build­ing bridges between Psy­cho­logy and Spir­itu­al­ity, En­vir­on­ment, Per­son­al­ity and Eco-Psy­cho­logy, Science, Medi­cine, Heal­ing and the subtle di­men­sions of life.

 He now teaches at univer­­s­ities and private institutes worldwide, on the in­­ ter­­ ­­con­­nectedness of psy­chosomatic pro ­cesses as they man­ifest on the levels of body, emo ­­tions, mind, will, and con­­s­­ciousness.
For al­­most 15 years, Dr. Gerken also led Change Man­age­­ment work­shops at the Nor­we­­gi­an De­fense University Col­lege. 

His research in human energy field docu­­mentation with Prof. F. Popp on psycho-emo­­tional states of our Body-MInd Field opened new horizons to scientists and prac­­titioners. He is co-founder of the Scien­ti­fic Committee of the EABP. Dr. Gerken is a lecturer, ther­­ap­ist, trainer and super­­visor.

•Siegmar co-foun­ded the ther­apy and con­sult­ing In­ter­na­tion­al Train­ing In­sti­tute of Core Evolu­tion® and CoreSo­ma® with his wife Cor­ne­lia;

• es­tab­lished the spe­cial­ized Core Evolu­tion Trauma Train­ing­s™ – ad­dress­ing the in­teg­ra­tion of un­re­solved stress pat­terns and Devel­op­ment­al, Shock, Fam­ily, Gen­er­a­tion­al and Col­lect­ive Trauma;

• and cre­ated the In­ter­na­tion­al In­sti­tute for En­ergy & Con­scious­ness® for ap­plied Mind­ful­ness in Psy­cho­logy, Spir­itu­al­ity and Science, which also in­cludes the:

- Man­age­ment teach­ing in Author­ity and Lead­er­ship, and the

- Energy, Love and Con­scious­ness Pro­grams™ of Core Evolution®, con­nect­ing with the Essence with­in and the Know­ledge of the lar­ger Ex­ist­ence.

Siegmar: “I ex­per­i­ence Love as the res­on­ance with the flow of life.
There­fore I work to realize my lifelong vision to fa­cil­it­ate light in this world, es­pecially in my work with people so that they can find real­iz­a­tion and ful­fill­ment.”

L. Cozolino - The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy
A. Damasio - Self comes to mind
E. Kandel, J. Schwartz, T. Jessel - Principles of Neural Science
S. Kelemann - Embodying Experience
J. Krishnamurti - Total Freedom
H. Maturana, F. Varela - The Tree of Knowledge
J. Masterson - The Search for the Real Self
J.C. Pierrakos - Core Energetics
R. Sapolsky - Behave
R. Sheldrake - Rebirth of Nature
D. Stern - The Interpersonal World of the Infant
About The International Institute of Core Evolution and CoreSoma

Core Evolu­tion is a re­la­tion­al, psy­cho­dy­nam­ic, body-ori­ented and mind­ful­ness-centered ther­apy. Core Evolu­tion is an in­nov­at­ive ap­proach to a Whole Per­son Psy­cho­logy based on Mind­ful­ness and rooted in the Essence of Being. Its found­a­tion is the com­pre­hens­ive un­der­stand­ing that es­sence and life en­ergy are ex­pressed through our Core - the cen­ter of the in­di­vidu­ated uni­ver­sal life en­ergy, a well­spring of heal­ing, joy, cre­ativ­ity and wis­dom.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact [email protected]

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More Testimonials

Siegmar taught for the Santa Barbara Graduate Institute for 8 Years. He was definitely one of the most liked of all of our instructors. His teaching style is very dynamic, informative and alive. His active participation in the Relational Somatic Psychology Certificate Program was highly valued and appreciated.

- Dyrian Benz Psy D., Chairperson for the Santa Barbara Graduate Institute 2001 to 2005

Your Instructor

Siegmar Gerken PhD, ECP, HP
Siegmar Gerken PhD, ECP, HP

Siegmar Gerken, PHD, ECP studied psychology, education and anthropology. He is on the faculty of the JFK University Somatic Psychology Department, the Esalen Institute, and the Behavioral Therapy Training Institute in Hamburg. He teaches at universities and and private institutes worldwide, on the interconnectedness of psychosomatic processes as they manifest on the levels of body, emotions, mind, will and consciousness. His research in energy field documentation with Prof. F. Popp on psycho-emotional states opened new horizons to scientists and practitioners. He is co-founder of the Scientific Committee of the EABP. Dr. Gerken is a lecturer, therapist, trainer and supervisor.

He also leads the specialized Core Evolution Trauma Trainings; Management Teaching in Authority and Leadership and the Energy & Consciousness Programs™ for Applied Psychology, Spirituality and Science.

About Our Courses

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These exclusive webinars are brought to you by the USABP and its proud educational and training institute member organizations.

These live and home study webinars are for Psychologists, Social Workers, MFTs. Counselors, Somatic Practitioners, Body Workers, and other Health Professionals.

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They often include demonstrations, video and slide presentations, experiential exercises, Q & A discussions, insights from attendees, presenter shares about their personal journey and inspirations, and much more.

These courses content levels serve introductory or beginning level; intermediate level; or advanced level.

For questions or concerns, phone 202-466-1619.

There is no conflict of interest or commercial support for this program.

Satisfactory Completion
When CE credits apply to a course they are made available upon course completion by emailing [email protected] to request it.

Participants must have paid the tuition fees, logged in and out each day, attended the entire webinar, and completed an evaluation to receive a certificate. Failure to log in or out will result in forfeiture of credit for the entire course. No exceptions will be made. Partial credit is not available. Certificates will be available following course completion. This includes passing the quiz.

Disability Access - If you require ADA accommodations please contact our office 30 days or more before the live event or for assistance with login. We cannot ensure accommodations without adequate prior notification.

Please Note: Licensing Boards change regulations often and while we attempt to stay abreast of their most recent changes, if you have questions or concerns about this course meeting your specific board’s approval, we recommend you contact your board directly to obtain a ruling.

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Course Curriculum

  Home Study Presentation
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days after you enroll

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When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
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